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Start your free trialSahail Ashraf posted on 16 October 2017 Read
It is not that difficult to find followers on social media these days. There are a number of techniques and approaches that a brand can use. The trick is to get people who come to your pages to stick around, to engage and generally become life-long fans of your brand. And on Facebook it is […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 13 October 2017 Read
El humilde blog es ahora cosa del pasado (o tal vez no lo parezca). No ha cambiado mucho aparte del tiempo que Google mató a miles de blogs porque básicamente estaban spamming el Internet. Usted todavía puede generar prospectos a través del uso inteligente de un blog. Si su cliente tiene un blog funcionando en […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 13 October 2017 Read
The humble blog is now centuries old (or it perhaps seems that way anyway). It has not changed much apart from the time Google killed off thousands of blogs because they were basically spamming the internet. You can still build up a following and collect leads from the intelligent use of a blog. If your […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 12 October 2017 Read
Bueno, ¿quién es la persona más influyente y poderosa en las redes sociales en estos días? Asi es, Mark Zuckerberg. Él es ampliamente respetado, y brutalmente honesto sobre el estado de los medios de comunicación social. Esto es porque él lo hizo básicamente lo que es hoy. Y además de todo esto, su personalidad también […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 12 October 2017 Read
Okay, who is the most influential and powerful person on social media these days? That’s right, Mr Zuckerberg. He is widely respected, and brutally honest about the state of social media. This is because he basically made it what it is today. And in addition to all of this, his personality also includes a huge […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 11 October 2017 Read
Content marketing is a big part of a brand and its presence online. If it is done right, it will enrich the audience’s experience and build authority and authenticity. But if all a brand has been doing is creating Facebook posts, there may be a need to start thinking seriously about how to make content […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 11 October 2017 Read
El marketing de contenido es parte importante de una marca y su presencia en línea. Si se hace bien, enriquecerá la experiencia de la audiencia y construirá autoridad y autenticidad. Pero si todo lo que una marca ha estado haciendo es crear mensajes en Facebook, puede haber una necesidad de empezar a pensar seriamente en […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 10 October 2017 Read
Bienvenido a nuestro estudio de crecimiento y engagement de Instagram para el mes de septiembre de 2017. En estos estudios mensuales, analizamos 2,500 perfiles de Instagram y su desempeño en la plataforma. También miramos las últimas mejoras de productos de Instagram y otras noticias sobre plataformas. Empecemos. El crecimiento y la tasa de engagement de […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 9 October 2017 Read
Instagram se está convirtiendo en una de las mejores plataformas de medios sociales para las marcas. Las tasas de engagement son cada vez mayor y la red está constantemente ofreciendo nuevas formas para que las empresas interactúen con sus audiencias. Pero empezar no es fácil para todos. Tienes que ser capaz de crear contenido que […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 5 October 2017 Read
Not every brand has a ‘year round’ product or service. Sometimes brands have to focus on their biggest sales and success when their product is needed the most. Swimwear, for example, will have a much higher yield in the summer. Holidays in the sun get the best response from customers in the winter, when people […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 4 October 2017 Read
Starbucks is a busy brand. The feel and pace of a Starbucks coffee shop is pretty much replicated in the work it does online. And every now and then it pulls off the social media equivalent of a sugar rush. The most recent example of a rush was the Unicorn Frappucino, a campaign and product […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 3 October 2017 Read
Video doesn’t need to be accidental. If your clients have video as part of their social media marketing work, it’s important that an agency knows how to squeeze more value out of the moving image. It is absolutely possible to use video to sell more. You just need to be aware of what happens when […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 2 October 2017 Read
Creating high quality content for a client can be one of the most exciting jobs in the world. Time everything right and get everything into place and you have the ROI you are aiming for. And as we all know, a great piece of content can really push a client way ahead of their competitors. […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 29 September 2017 Read
A little while ago we looked at the hottest brands on Instagram. Now we are taking a similar in-depth look at Facebook. The hugely successful social media platform is a great place for brands to be. The top brands on the platform (including Facebook itself) are enjoying fantastic engagement. Bigger doesn’t necessarily mean better though. […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 26 September 2017 Read
One of the most important aspects of Instagram that brands need to get right is the visual one. It is and always will be a visual platform with images and video ruling the roost as regards to the engagement. The only problem is, some brands find it difficult to pull together images or posts that […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 18 September 2017 Read
Luxury automobile companies have never really been slow on the uptake with social media, well the big brands haven’t anyway. And if you took a look at any of the big brands on Facebook, Instagram and so on, you would see clear voices and an informed approach to social media. They seem to know what […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 15 September 2017 Read
Every brand has a website, even if it is one that has been left to fester over a number of years. The problem with websites is that some brands feel that the only work that needs doing on the things is what happens when they are created. That’s basically it. Someone creates a website for […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 14 September 2017 Read
Content marketing is still here. It may be as old as the hills, but the benefits are not going away, and the vast majority of brands are still interested in content. Agencies, therefore, have to make sure they are providing effective content marketing solutions to clients. However, if we were to say that all content […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 13 September 2017 Read
Estamos felices de anunciar la cuarta adición a nuestra familia de Auditorías Sociales: Auditoría de Campaña. Se recomienda la auditoría de campaña para realizar una auditoría de una campaña específica de marketing o hashtag. Usted elige su marca principal (perfil de Facebook, Instagram o Twitter a la que tiene acceso de administrador) y seleccione las […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 6 September 2017 Read
Social media is unpredictable. This will not change, and it’s part of the excitement involved in being a part of it. But suppose the unthinkable happens and your social media channel of choice suddenly disappears? Or it has a major security breach and has to be closed down indefinitely? If this kind of scenario takes […]