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Start your free trialSahail Ashraf posted on 14 June 2017 Read
There is a pretty good chance that your clients exist as part of a saturated market. The nature of the business is such that if someone is doing it and being successful, someone else will follow. That’s why it is difficult to craft a social media strategy that allows your client to both say they […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 13 June 2017 Read
It is said that a picture says a thousand words. On Instagram, a picture speaks to millions. Instagram is a purely visual social platform and the platform’s popularity has soared in the past couple of years. It has over 700 million monthly users and out of all the social sites, Instagram’s audience is the most […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 12 June 2017 Read
For any agency that works on a client’s social media presence, it’s always great to have examples of how a brand can use a platform to truly dominate. Glossier hasn’t yet dominated the web, but the work that went into getting to where it is right now is nothing short of inspirational. A textbook example […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 9 June 2017 Read
The beauty industry has taken over the social media world. Between 15 second tutorials on ‘how to get your brows on fleek’ to one hour live sessions on ‘how to master the perfect Saturday night look’ and with platforms like Instagram, it’s not a surprise that the makeup industry is performing better than ever on […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 8 June 2017 Read
You may have noticed it recently if you follow the news at all. Whether it’s world news or local news, you will have seen that the average person is now quite likely to pop up in a news report with their ‘reaction’ to an event. This is usually a tweet or Facebook post that a […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 7 June 2017 Read
It’s a more common problem than you think, and it probably affects more brands than you think too. It’s that awful situation where a brand literally ‘gives up’ on social media. The ROI that their agency promised them has not materialised. Their social accounts are essentially dead ducks now. And their understanding of social has […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 2 June 2017 Read
Budget rules everything in social media. As an agency, it is also a frustrating aspect when it comes to ad spend. How much do you plough into a client campaign and how do you know if you’re going to get any results at all? Well, if you do your best work, you should find that […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 1 June 2017 Read
It is a new thing still, but it’s growing in frequency and impact. Invading your personal space, or ‘interactive advertising’ as you might more prosaically refer to it, is on the rise. A recent example has seen McDonald’s do something that would, ten years ago, have been seen as both undoable and perhaps even a […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 31 May 2017 Read
Some brands are just made for social media. You have your Coca Cola and your McDonald’s for example. These brands, iconic and established, seamlessly fit into the modern marketing model. Okay, their budgets are enormous and a lot of what goes on in the numerous accounts they have is developed by large creative teams with […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 30 May 2017 Read
There is ample evidence that tweets and updates can go viral. But it is still surprising to see how completely random and obviously not thought-through updates suddenly become huge. Some of them even become more famous and far-reaching than those that celebrities produce. Celebrities create great content, but nothing beats a normal guy or girl […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 25 May 2017 Read
Instagram is officially taking over the world. Okay, maybe it’s not, but it has now become a bit of a tradition to look to Instagram for all that is cool and hip in online social media marketing. And the brand itself is leading the charge. It will probably not have escaped your notice that we […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 24 May 2017 Read
L’oreal don’t have a bad business model. They create amazingly high quality cosmetic products and then sell them to a committed and appreciative audience. The market is also kind of locked for them. They have been doing it for years and their audience just laps it all up. However, L’oreal has recently pulled off a […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 23 May 2017 Read
There was something intrinsically cool about it first. The ‘Like’ that Facebook gave to the world was easy to recognise, universal (a thumbs up means the same in pretty much any language) and also very, very simple. In the heyday of Facebook (it is changing and will probably not be what it is now in […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 19 May 2017 Read
You have an idea. You produce a great article and hit the publish button. Is that enough? The answer to that question is most definitely NO. It’s not enough to simply publish content and wait for the traffic to find it. You need to push it out and get the traffic coming in your direction. […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 12 May 2017 Read
Sometimes digital agencies are called in and hired for a rebrand of an established company. This is even more common now, due to various factors that affect brands. These factors could include a repositioning of a brand, a need to develop a new image after a negative period, or a desire to develop a rebranded […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 9 May 2017 Read
Working on social media for the travel industry sounds exciting. For those of us who don’t work in the industry, we imagine the role to be quite glamourous. We picture travelling to far off places, tasting all the best eats, and enjoying the views from all the sites the land has to offer. After that, […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 5 May 2017 Read
It’s been a great year so far for any brand that has worked to establish a strong presence on social media. But we still see brands that are breaking through in two spheres rather comfortably, and it’s not a trick that everyone can pull off. The two areas are social media and the offline presence […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 3 May 2017 Read
You know what? Celebs have it so easy. They make a ton of money and then they make more money on top of that by selling products on their social media feeds. Okay, it may not be that simple, but something major just happened that may calm things down a little. People are genuinely worried […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 28 April 2017 Read
One of the golden rules of marketing is ‘make sure you’re talking to the right audience’. With a brand online, and on social media, this can sometimes turn out to be less than straightforward. Social media is capable of bringing a lot of people to your door, but this also means that some people can […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 27 April 2017 Read
Paid advertising is as old as the hills. It has some excellent examples of good work but also some shocking examples of cynical attempts at ‘marketing’. This is because paid advertising, whether it is offline or online, has sometimes been viewed as ‘invasive’. It comes into your home via your TV set, or stares at […]