Manage your clients, produce and prove value, and win new business
Start your free trialSahail Ashraf posted on 29 January 2018 Read
A diferencia de otros documentos de marketing similares, un informe de medios sociales no está estrictamente definido por una estructura pre-establecida. Aunque logres conseguir diferentes tipos de diseño en línea, crear un reporte para esquematizar los datos de un perfil en las redes sociales no es algo sencillo. Casi todo experto autoproclamado de marketing digital […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 26 January 2018 Read
January can be a hectic time for banks, building societies and insurers all promoting a variety of financial products, a big part of this is also providing a great service to existing customers. In this study we’ll look at the UK finance brands who are really keeping their audience happy on Facebook during this key […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 25 January 2018 Read
Today we will have a look at the top performing Twitter pages on Locowise Brand Leaderboard with a particular focus on the beverage industry. Personally, when I think of popular beverages known not only in the USA but worldwide, brands like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Red Bull come to mind, right? And I am not entirely wrong […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 24 January 2018 Read
Hello to everyone, and we hope you’re having an awesome 2018 so far. In this post, we’re going to take our regular look at Instagram and the numbers behind it. The insights we gather every month are the best way to show you how to make your client’s Instagram accounts even more successful. So take […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 23 January 2018 Read
Facebook is always a platform that confounds expectations. Every month we take a look at Facebook and its performance for the month prior. The insights we dig up are great ways to enhance the service you’re offering to clients. Growth And Engagement In December Facebook page fan growth in December 2017 was at 0.09%. Post […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 19 January 2018 Read
It is very easy to slip into bad habits if you are involved in digital marketing. This is because it is such a dynamic and vibrant arena, you can feel like you’re the centre of attention (see our first point below). These bad habits can also go unchecked because of that dynamism and speed. However, […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 18 January 2018 Read
The world of social media is one where to emulate the success of a genius campaign is a huge effort. It’s a doable thing of course, it just takes time, and a clear view as to how the amazing social media campaign you are emulating can be scaled down or altered to fit your client’s […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 17 January 2018 Read
Brands on social media have a particularly heavy responsibility in that they have to present a respectable face to the world. Social media is shareable, and people do not expect to see stuff that will go against their own principles. For this reason, brands entrust their social to quality digital agencies or their own in-house […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 12 January 2018 Read
Let’s say you have a client who has an Instagram profile. You’ve come into the game a little late because that account was there before you could get your hands on it. It isn’t doing too well and all the signs show that the account will soon be a liability rather than a shining example […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 12 January 2018 Read
Digamos que tienes un cliente con un perfil de Instagram. Has llegado un poco tarde debido a que la cuenta fue creada antes de que pudieses poner tus manos sobre ella. No le está yendo bien y todo apunta a que muy pronto la cuenta será más un inconveniente que una deslumbrante representación de lo […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 11 January 2018 Read
Digital agencies produce infographics for one clear reason: accessibility. A good infographic piece of content is easy to understand and visually arresting. Sometimes though, you could have the perfect mix of information and persuasive text, only to be let down with the kind of visual work that harms rather than improves your chances of converting. […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 11 January 2018 Read
Las agencias digitales producen infografías por una razón bastante clara: la accesibilidad. Una buena pieza de infografía de contenidos es fácil de entender y visualmente llamativa. A veces, puedes contar con la mezcla perfecta de información y texto persuasivo, para el final verse afectado por el tipo de trabajo visual que perjudica en vez de […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 10 January 2018 Read
No digital agency is an island, and that means using all the resources available to you to get the best possible results for your clients. Sometimes, this even means free stuff. With technology now becoming a thing we expect to change every year, there are plenty of apps and tools out there that can make […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 9 January 2018 Read
What does SEO have to do with content marketing? It’s a question that you may find a client asking you. At first glance, it’s a perfectly reasonable question too. SEO has long been seen as part of what brands do to reach the top of Google. And it worked really well for a number of […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 8 January 2018 Read
Si estás representando una marca en línea, sabes lo importante que es hacer bien las cosas. Cada aspecto de la estrategia cuenta a la larga ya que una marca tiene una presencia que perdura. Los errores son costosos. Pueden ser arreglados, pero siempre habrá alguna repercusión que dificultará la recuperación de la marca. Con el […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 8 January 2018 Read
If you represent a brand online, you know how important it is to get things right. Every aspect of strategy counts in the long run because a brand has a presence that lasts. Mistakes are costly. They can be fixed, but often there is some lingering fallout that makes it incredibly difficult for the brand […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 4 January 2018 Read
It’s not easy being part of a digital agency. A lot of the hard work is in the sales presentation as you reach out to possible new clients. And it’s kind of different for digital agencies too because a presentation to gain new business relies on a lot more than just numbers. Sure, data and […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 4 January 2018 Read
No es fácil ser parte de una agencia digital. Mucho del trabajo yace en la presentación de las ventas a medida que contactas con posibles nuevos clientes. Y también es diferentes para las agencias digitales debido a que una presentación para ganar nuevos prospectos se basa en más que números. Claro, los datos y las […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 2 January 2018 Read
La edición puede ser una rotunda pesadilla y así como un factor decisivo. Los prospectos de tu agencia examinarán tu página web y tus trabajos anteriores y están interesados en discutir un proyecto contigo. Y si observan que están cometiendo errores ortográficos o gramaticales, te percibirán como una agencia descuidada. Las mejores agencias no lo […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 2 January 2018 Read
Editing can be an absolute nightmare, and it can be a deal-breaker. Your agency’s prospects will check out your website, and your previous work if they are intending to discuss a project with you. And if they see that you’re making spelling errors, or grammatical errors, they will see you as sloppy. Good agencies don’t […]