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Start your free trialSahail Ashraf posted on 7 May 2018 Read
Long time marketing experts can often see the genuine correlation between the digital industry and established medium. In the famous words of Conrad Gessner “Word of mouth matters.” And for the most part, this is completely true. And today, with social media this is truer than ever. In fact, in our post on the best […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 4 May 2018 Read
As most people in social media know, there is a lot of spam about. One of the biggest platforms that is most vulnerable to spam is Twitter. Ever since the platform first got off the ground, it has had problems with people using it as a place to ‘game’ the system. At its worst, Twitter […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 30 April 2018 Read
The Digital Trends report for 2018 has thrown up a wealth of information and useful data about digital habits worldwide. We’re proud to say that Locowise took part in the project, and helped to gather the huge amount of information and insight the report provides. It’s a big report, so we thought we’d dig into […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 25 April 2018 Read
Facebook, la plataforma principal de redes sociales sigue siendo una de las herramientas de marketing social más valiosas disponibles en la actualidad. Sin embargo, aunque hace solo cinco años el simple hecho de tener una página de negocios en la plataforma podría brindarte nuevas ventas, hoy la historia es bastante diferente. Para lograr mejores tasas […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 23 April 2018 Read
En 2017, Instagram experimentó un notable aumento de la popularidad entre los especialistas en marketing digital. Debido a los altos números de compromiso y después de la declaración de Zuckerberg de que quiere hacer de Facebook una plataforma más personal, a principios de 2018 Instagram se está convirtiendo en una opción aún más lucrativa. Además, […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 21 April 2018 Read
Check out our more recent post on brand storytelling here. ———————————————— If brands want to get the very best out of social media at some point they will have to embrace the art of storytelling. This is a key aspect of a brand’s survival on platforms as diverse as Pinterest and Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 20 April 2018 Read
Here we are again with our look at the performance of Instagram as a branding tool, as well as our news highlights for March. First up, we’ll crunch the numbers… We’ve introduced a new grade card feature to measure the health of growth and engagement for Instagram profiles. We use our own judgement for three […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 18 April 2018 Read
March for Facebook wasn’t exactly a walk in the park. The trust that Facebook has built its future on seemed to take a huge dive when the Cambridge Analytica thing broke. And because it was such a huge part of what happened to the company in March, we’re going to focus on that first. But […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 16 April 2018 Read
You may be surprised at how useful social media can be when you are attempting to research a market. The amount of strategy and planning that can result from a rigorous attempt at market research pays off in the form of more clients, a stress-free environment because you’re comfortable with who you’re creating work for […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 16 April 2018 Read
Puede que te sorprenda lo útiles que pueden ser las redes sociales cuando intentas investigar un mercado. La cantidad de estrategia y planificación que puede resultar de un intento riguroso de investigación de mercado vale la pena en la forma de más clientes, un ambiente libre de estrés porque te sientes cómodo con para quién […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 13 April 2018 Read
A menos que en los últimos años,hayas vivido bajo un rock particularmente pesado, sabrás que Instagram es uno de los mejores lugares para comercializar una marca. Tiene todo lo que necesitarías. Una gran audiencia, una gran interfaz y ese tipo de sensación “de estar de moda” que la empuja por encima de la mayoría de […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 13 April 2018 Read
Unless you’ve been living under a particularly heavy rock for the last few years, you’ll know that Instagram is one of the best places to market a brand. It has everything you would need. A large audience, a great interface and that kind of ‘hip’ feel that pushes it up above most other platforms. Oh, […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 11 April 2018 Read
Ser director gerente en una agencia de marketing digital no es tarea fácil. Independientemente del tamaño, a menudo tienes que dar cuenta del ciclo constante de cambios, ajustes y actualizaciones en cada plataforma específica. Además, la industria incluye algunos de los servicios de nicho más rápidos en evolución y transformación. La gestión de redes sociales, […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 9 April 2018 Read
Desde los albores de las redes sociales a principios de la década de 2000, los especialistas en marketing han intentado crear curiosos anuncios en línea que la gente estaría dispuesta a compartir. Alcanzando su popularidad en 2015 con el crecimiento del ciberanzuelo, el marketing viral sigue siendo uno de los emprendimientos de alto riesgo mejor […]
Team Locowise posted on 7 April 2018 Read
Every month, we’ll be featuring one of our lovely Locowise users and asking them to share their very own pro tips when using our platform. We’re always curious to hear how the tool is being used to provide the most value for our clients. We’re pleased to be able to work with such an awesome […]
Team Locowise posted on 6 April 2018 Read
In this month’s episode of The Drilldown, we discuss brand new Snapchat analytics, the latest updates from Facebook, and Youtube’s upgraded platform for content creators. Watch on for the latest news in social media marketing. Watch Episode 4 of The Drilldown here Watch Episode 3 of The Drilldown here Watch Episodes 1 and 2 of […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 4 April 2018 Read
Hoy, casi todo tipo de servicio digital migra a la nube. Sin embargo, los diferentes formatos de archivo y el seguimiento de ellos siguen siendo un problema que enfrentan incluso las grandes agencias de marketing digital. Si eres un experto en redes sociales, a menudo te encontrarás reflexionando sobre qué formato de archivo es mejor […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 28 March 2018 Read
Febrero significa que está empezando a llegar Spring, pero ¿cómo se compara con el comportamiento de Instagram en enero? Echemos un vistazo al crecimiento y compromiso en Instagram. Hemos introducido una nueva función, la tarjeta de calificación. Usamos nuestro propio criterio para tres categorías de métricas: crecimiento, compromiso y tipos de publicaciones. Las tres áreas […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 28 March 2018 Read
February means Spring is starting to arrive, but how did the month on Instagram compare to January? Let’s take a look at our Instagram growth and engagement. We’ve introduced a new grade card feature. We use our own judgement for three categories of metrics: growth, engagement and post types. The three areas are graded and […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 26 March 2018 Read
A report on Facebook growth and engagement for brands in February 2018. Before we dive into what happened on Facebook in February 2018, let’s, as always, crunch the numbers a little. We’ve introduced a new grade card feature. We use our own judgement for three categories of metrics: reach, growth and engagement. The three areas […]