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Start your free trialSahail Ashraf posted on 9 October 2018 Read
Locowise has been helping clients make sense of their social media for quite a while now. So in this post we thought we’d take a look at some of the features that have really made a difference for our clients. We’re talking about those features that add more value to a client’s understanding their social […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 2 October 2018 Read
In recent times, governments, the media and users themselves have been concerned about the lack of privacy that major social media networks have provided. Data has gone missing, and data has allegedly been used for political ends. The result has been a focus on the integrity of these platforms, and the measures used to protect […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 25 September 2018 Read
Instagram has had a very busy year so far. However, even the most jaded of industry analysts would agree that the past few months have been particularly industrious. A lot has gone on, and some of the stuff that really matters to brands may well have slipped your attention. It’s not your fault, it’s a […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 18 September 2018 Read
Social media is great for many reasons. It helps people connect, as well as rediscover old connections. And it’s great for marketing too. However, sometimes it shows just how powerful it can be at communication of messages. This is most obvious with regards to charities and causes. These bodies and organisations are often the biggest […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 11 September 2018 Read
Yahoo came out with a little something 20 years ago that changed the way people communicate. It’s that simple, and that profound. Yahoo brought out Instant Messenger and that allowed people to send a message immediately to their friends and family members wherever they were in the world. Of course, back then, ‘instant’ wasn’t as […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 4 September 2018 Read
We all know how unpredictable social media can be. It can also be cruel too. Remember MySpace? Yes, it’s still cool and great fun, but try finding anyone who uses it now and isn’t a wannabe rock star. And Foursquare? Well, it all seems like a bit of a misguided mess that no one really […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 28 August 2018 Read
Live video. Where Facebook used to own the space, there are now plenty of other ways to use live video effectively as a brand. But how important is it, still? If there was no chance of ever doing a live video again, would it mean the end of the world? No, it wouldn’t be that […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 21 August 2018 Read
This is an area of marketing that has recently become popular for brands, mainly because it is cost-effective, and just plain effective. Brands are finding that making the right connections, and having the right marketing moves, can end up giving them a profitable campaign. It can be tough to ensure momentum continues, and there are […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 14 August 2018 Read
Twitter is a platform that is often in the bad books. It has been particularly vulnerable to bots in recent years, and setting up fake accounts is easy. Of course, these people (and bots) tend to get discovered by Twitter, but it still makes for a fairly unsafe environment for other users. In the past, […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 7 August 2018 Read
Social media and sports are made for each other. Whenever a big event happens in the world of sport, it’s easy for a brand to tie-in. This year saw perhaps the biggest sports event of all hitting the world’s stage. The World Cup was held in Russia in 2018, and the amount of hype and […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 31 July 2018 Read
We strongly believe that any brand can have a useful and fun presence on social media. Brands are often so confident that they can do this that they use in-house staff. And a lot of that confidence is derived from knowing that their business works well on social media. You’ve seen this happen. Coca Cola […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 17 July 2018 Read
Influencers are everywhere. A couple of years ago the whole thing was very different, with just a few big names building out their empires on Youtube. Now, we have some wealthy Influencers literally changing the shape of industries. A good Influencer partnership can bring in revenue, and boost a brand’s position in a market. So […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 10 July 2018 Read
Earlier this year, Facebook had been involved in something very worrying. When Cambridge Analytica blew up, the social media giant suddenly looked like it had zero integrity. It has integrity, of course, but it’s reputation was damaged. Mark Zuckerberg had to do something about this. In addition to taking some tough questions at a recent […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 3 July 2018 Read
Here at Locowise we love having our finger on the pulse of the latest social media analytics. Tracking the trends via our benchmarking tools and allowing digital marketing agencies to automate their reporting process is a top priority for us. Yet, people who are not that familiar with the industry, including business owners, sometimes aren’t […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 26 June 2018 Read
Social media marketing is a discipline, which means that it can be taught. Finding good courses that give you what you need can be difficult. Don’t worry, because we’ve put together a list of some of the best courses you can find online for this crazy business we call social media marketing. Boot Camp Digital […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 19 June 2018 Read
Whether you’re working for a brand on an agency basis, or running your own ship, if you don’t plan your social media marketing you will be wasting the two most important components to a business: time and money. You can count the number of brands that have instant huge audiences on social on one hand. […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 13 June 2018 Read
As we are half way through 2018 it seems a little early to be thinking of ‘best of’ lists. The last year was pretty good, as it happens, so we thought we’d have a little crawl through it, and see which campaigns really inspired us. The first one on the list? A rather unique and […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 5 June 2018 Read
Wetherspoons, the huge pub chain, made the news recently because the brand decided to close all it’s social media accounts (that ran into the hundreds) in one day. Wetherspoons are now no longer on social media. It was a complete shutdown. And this kind of got us thinking. Wetherspoons stated that it felt social media […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 30 May 2018 Read
Something rather interesting happened with JD Wetherspoon on the 16th April. The huge pub chain suddenly decided to close all of its social media accounts. If this was about a few accounts that were used now and then, like some brands do, this would not be a big deal. However, Wetherspoon had a lot of […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 23 May 2018 Read
If you’re looking after a social media presence for a client, you want to be sure you’re getting it right. And whatever you might think about the latest shiny object in social media, metrics are what it’s all about. If you can track and report on important numbers and data, then you have your finger […]