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Start your free trialSahail Ashraf posted on 30 July 2019 Read
The FIFA Women’s World Cup attracted a lot of attention. This is a pleasing and long-overdue development, but it also has some connected news that makes it even more exciting. And the excitement comes for brands who have developed a strategy around the event. We thought we would take a look at a few of […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 23 July 2019 Read
It was one of the hottest months on record in some countries, and June had its fair share of news items around the wonderful world of social media marketing. Nothing necessarily groundbreaking here, just tweaks and new experiences here and there that should make the social media marketer’s job a little easier, or at least […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 9 July 2019 Read
Facebook Pages can now join Groups. While this may not initially seem like it is groundbreaking stuff, it is. This was the way things were in the past, public figures just couldn’t join groups as Pages. Now, it means that some people on Facebook can gain more of a positive experience from being involved. Within […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 2 July 2019 Read
Everyone loves Instagram. The millions of users love it. The media love it. It’s very much the favoured platform for the young and hip segment of social media users. And the exciting thing is that it is continuing to grow. It keeps making leaps forward in various areas, while still managing to provide value to […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 25 June 2019 Read
Ever since marketers were hired to help with the online presence of brands, content has been a hot topic. The creation of content that works has never been as challenging and competitive as it is right now. If brands aren’t on top of their game in this area, the consequences are pretty immediate. However, content […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 18 June 2019 Read
In social media, it’s important to remember that it is a fast-moving arena.This is vital if you’re going to understand it and how to use it as a method for building a community. This also means that every month brings a whole new crop of updates and improvements that social media providers make. Sometimes they […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 4 June 2019 Read
As you may know, Locowise was quite heavily involved in the Global Digital Overview Report 2019. There was a ton of insights in the report, with many areas that brands and marketers can learn more from and adapt the new knowledge to their own campaigns and plans. We thought we’d focus on another area of […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 28 May 2019 Read
This is our regular growth and engagement study for Facebook, focusing on April 2019. As regards engagement, it’s no surprise to find that video engagement is still a dominating force, Our benchmark study shows that engagement with video content was 5.76% in April. That’s an incredible amount, and shows just how much video is at […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 21 May 2019 Read
It will not have escaped the attention of any social media professionals that marketing on social has had a significant sea change in the last few years. The bottom line is that much of the truly lucrative social media work is done on third-party platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. Brands have to invest the […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 14 May 2019 Read
Instagram TV (IGTV) was never a bad idea. It was simply an idea that made sense initially, but very quickly found itself reliant on user numbers. Without millions of users, it is threatening to go the same way as other failed platforms. It needs people to visit it and engage with it. That is where […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 7 May 2019 Read
If there’s one issue that Facebook has struggled with in recent months it’s privacy. The Cambridge Analytica scandal broke last year and caused a huge headache for Mark Zuckerberg’s company. Since that difficult period, Zuckerberg has been constantly reassuring users that his platform is safe and their data is secure. Facebook has introduced a slew […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 30 April 2019 Read
If there is one thing we can say about social media and marketing, it’s that it has a very transient nature. While there are a few big platforms that pretty much work for everyone (Facebook, Instagram), the number of platforms that appear and then quickly disappear is often quite alarming. Because there are just a […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 23 April 2019 Read
Facebook marketing used to be simple. It really did. Budgets were easier to manage, and at one point it was possible to build a brand on Facebook by simply using organic reach. That’s right, you didn’t really have to spend money back in the day, unbelievable as that may seem now. In 2019, the stakes […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 16 April 2019 Read
When Facebook isn’t working, people notice and they become annoyed. The same goes for Instagram, so when both platforms were down in March there was a huge outcry. It all happened on March 13th, and it meant that, while the Facebook and Instagram apps could be opened, some of the key features in the apps […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 9 April 2019 Read
Facebook continues to innovate with its lineup of apps and user options, and February was no different. It may have escaped your attention, but Facebook has been busy building its own TV channel. But to understand how it actually works, it’s probably best not to see it as a TV channel. As part of its […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 2 April 2019 Read
Virgin Holidays may well have just become one of the most innovative holiday companies around, thanks to a brand new venture that has been built upon the success and the integrity of social media. The brand has created a platform for curated holiday recommendations. It seems that the platform will rely heavily on social media […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 27 March 2019 Read
Instagram Stories could well have been a complete disaster. But it wasn’t, and it’s turned out to be a major part of what is happening right now on social media. In fact, the case for taking on Instagram Stories as part of your marketing efforts is now stronger than ever. We’ll take a quick look […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 19 March 2019 Read
The Digital 2019 Reports are out, and as always, the reports bring a wealth of information for brands. There is some incredibly interesting stuff within the reports. In fact, if you wanted to read them all, you’d have to sit down with a strong coffee and plenty of time to spare. We know you might […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 12 March 2019 Read
Instagram has made a name for itself in recent months, and a big part of that brand-building has centered upon the ability to use it for influence. Influencers love the platform, it is all they need to build up an online profile that will make them money. It’s bright, fun and very visual. One aspect […]
Sahail Ashraf posted on 5 March 2019 Read
Social media and shopping became bedfellows right at the very start. As soon as brands realised that people would search social media for stuff to buy (which was probably about five minutes after Facebook went live) the landscape became one that was worth advertising to. However, shopping on social has the scope to become even […]